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电源 2024-12-02 09:37








你好,ANSYS中的SFL是指"Structured Fluid Flow"(结构化流体流动),它是ANSYS Fluent软件中的一种求解方法。SFL方法是一种基于有限体积法的求解方法,用于模拟和分析流体流动现象。



SFL方法在ANSYS Fluent软件中被广泛应用于各种流体流动问题的求解,包括空气动力学、燃烧、湍流等。该方法能够提供高精度的数值解,并且具有较好的收敛性和稳定性,因此在工程领域得到了广泛的应用。


主变压器型号SF9-31500/110名称:三相风冷,额定容量31500KVA,额定电压110KV的变压器。变压器型号:SF9-31500/110属于三相油浸式电力变压器。其中 S(三相) , F(风冷 ) 9是(设计序号).31500表示:额定容量31500KVA,一般指高压侧, 110表示高压侧额定电压110kV。   电力变压器是发电厂和变电所的主要设备之一。变压器的作用是多方面的,它不仅能升高电压把电能送到用电地区,还能把电压降低为各级使用电压,以满足用电的需要。    总之,升压与降压都必须由变压器来完成。在电力系统传送电能的过程中,必然会产生电压和功率两部分损耗。在输送同一功率时,由于电压损耗与电压成反比,功率损耗与电压的平方成反比。利用变压器提高电压,就可减少了送电损失。










SLF制造外径尺寸从40到500mm (特殊轴承也是),SLF轴承所有的产品都能符合DIN ISO的规范,在1997年的12月,SLF成功的拿到DIN EN ISO 9001的认证。SLF的产品品质可与那些先进流的厂牌相比。


八、What does SFL stand for in finance? Explained


When it comes to finance, knowing the acronyms and abbreviations used in the industry is essential for understanding the language and keeping up with conversations. One such acronym that you may have come across is SFL. In this article, we will delve into what SFL stands for in finance and explore its meaning and significance.

SFL in Finance

SFL stands for "Shareholders' Funds Liabilities" in finance. It is a term used to refer to the total amount of capital that a company has from its shareholders. This includes the equity capital and reserves that have been contributed by the shareholders over time.

Shareholders' Funds Liabilities represent the portion of a company's balance sheet that belongs to the owners or shareholders rather than external lenders or creditors. It is an important indicator of the financial health and stability of a company, as it reflects the net worth of the business.

Components of SFL

The Shareholders' Funds Liabilities consist of various components, including:

  • Share Capital: This refers to the capital raised by the company through the issuance of shares and represents the ownership stake of the shareholders.
  • Reserves: Reserves are the accumulated profits of a company that have not been distributed to shareholders as dividends. These can include various types of reserves, such as general reserves, capital reserves, and retained earnings.
  • Surplus: Surplus refers to any excess capital or profits remaining after all debts and liabilities have been cleared.
  • Other Equity: This category includes any additional equity-related items that may not fall under the above components, such as preferred shares.

Importance of SFL

The Shareholders' Funds Liabilities (SFL) is a crucial metric for investors, creditors, and financial analysts. It provides insights into the financial strength, stability, and solvency of a company. A higher SFL indicates that a company has a strong capital base and is less reliant on external debt financing. This can increase investor confidence and attract potential investors.

Moreover, SFL is used to calculate various financial ratios and indicators, such as return on equity (ROE) and gearing ratio, which help evaluate the performance and risk of a company. It also serves as an important factor in determining the creditworthiness of a business when seeking loans or credit facilities from financial institutions.


In conclusion, SFL stands for Shareholders' Funds Liabilities in finance. It represents the total capital from shareholders that a company possesses. Understanding this term is essential for anyone involved in the financial sector, as it provides insights into a company's financial health and stability. By knowing the components of SFL and its significance, investors, creditors, and analysts can make more informed decisions and assessments.

Thank you for reading this article and we hope it has provided a clear explanation of what SFL signifies in finance and its importance in assessing a company's financial standing.

九、三菱plc sfl指令用法?

三菱 PLC 的 SFL 指令是 Subroutine Call (子程序呼叫) 指令,它的用途是在程序中调用指定的子程序。

SFL 指令的语法格式如下:SFL M, D

其中,M 为 SFL 指令的操作对象,可以是以下任意一个点:

- Yn/Yn + m (输出继电器)

- Xn/Xn + m (输入继电器)

- Bn/Bn + m (内部继电器)

- Wn/Wn + m (链接继电器)

- L (锁存继电器)

- F (标志继电器)

D 为子程序的起始地址。

SFL 指令的执行过程如下:

1. 将当前的程序地址(M)保存到堆栈区。

2. 将 D 中存储的地址作为子程序的起始地址,跳转到该地址开始执行子程序。

3. 子程序运行完毕之后,再次返回执行 SFL 指令之后的地址。此时需要将堆栈区中保存的地址弹出,回到之前的程序流程中。

举个简单的例子:假设子程序起始地址为 D100,我们想要在 Y0 上执行 SFL 指令,那么 SFL 指令的指令地址应该为 M100,并且该指令的操作数为 SFL Y0, D100。

执行该 SFL 指令后,就会跳转到 D100 处开始执行子程序,并将 M100 的值保存到堆栈区。子程序运行完毕后,再次返回到 M100 此处继续执行程序。


1. 明确结论:蔡司sf和sfl的区别在于SFL镜头配备了手动光圈环,而Sonnar T* 1.5/50 ZM和Planar T* 1.4/85 ZM不配备手动光圈环。

2. 解释原因:手动光圈环是一种允许摄影师在取景之前或取景时手动控制镜头光圈大小的工具。SFL镜头配备了这个功能,使得摄影师可以更加方便地进行光圈的设置,对于一些需要精确控制光圈大小的特殊摄影场景有着更多的优势。而Sonnar T* 1.5/50 ZM和Planar T* 1.4/85 ZM则没有配备这个功能,使得光圈的控制只能通过相机进行自动调节。

3. 内容延伸:除了手动光圈环之外,SFL还具备了比标准C-Biogon更宽的近摄距离。此外,SFL也具备了全金属机身,更加耐用,同时也使得这个镜头显得更加高级。

4. 具体步骤:如果想要购买一个SFL镜头,可以前往蔡司官方网站或者选择认证的蔡司镜头销售商进行购买。在购买之前需要了解自己需要的摄影场景以及自己的预算,从而选择适合自己的镜头型号和配置。在拍摄过程中,使用手动光圈环时需要将其开到最大光圈,通过使用相机控制器中的光圈控制按钮来控制光圈大小。同时需要注意,在手动控制光圈时需要更加小心,避免误操作引起拍摄不佳的情况。